Still Waiting For Yushchenko
Midnight has passed and still no decision from Yushchenko on whether or not to dissolve the Ukrainian parliament. What is he doing!? Quite possibly the most indecisive President in the history of Europe. Well Yushchenko must have made his decision by now because the deadline (23:59pm) has passed. And still we wait...
A reminder of his options...
A reminder of his options...
- Yushchenko has been waiting until today - when he can now legally dissolve Parliament. He takes this choice and Regions accept - ready for the challenge. An election campaign is fought in which the Orange team narrowly winning and Lytvyn's bloc managing to get back into Parliament. Realistic? 10%.
- Yushchenko has been waiting until today - when he can now legally dissolve Parliament. He takes this choice and Regions accept - ready for the challenge. An election campaign is fought, but in spite of an heroic performance by Tymoshenko, Regions scrape a majority. Yushchenko realises his impeachment and a trip to Kiev by Alexander Lukashenko are only months away. Realistic? 65%
- Yushchenko has been waiting until today - when he can now legally dissolve Parliament. He takes this choice and Regions announce a Coup is underway. Thanks to Lytvyn and Tymoshenko messing about last year and refusing to swear in judges, no Constitutional Court exists. Chaos ensues. Yanukovych and Moroz announce they are holding the Rada against the Coup, and begin to make moves to impeach Yushchenko. Sensing disaster, Tymoshenko and Poroshenko urge the President to use force to capture the Rada. The move is successful, but only smells like mid-1990's Russia. The taste is much sharper and some form of mild Civil War breaks out between the East and West, with local councils in the East deciding they want to break-away and join up with the Russian Federation. Yushchenko rules by decree. Eventually western-Ukraine splits away and forms its own state - quickly joining the EU. Realistic? For the most part 35%
- Yushchenko reads the above possibility or realises that he better not risk lowering his opinion poll rating any further. He decides to do nothing. Regions form a government, but it turns out Moroz was just pulling our leg. He really is a decent Socialist. Realising that he and the Communists have nothing in common with Yanukoych, he causes all kinds of havoc before teaming up once more with BYuT and Our Ukraine. Now though he has the Speaker's post, and £300 million to retire to a villa in Northern Cyprus once his disgraced party flunks the next election. Well....maybe not the latter part. Realistic? 10%
- Yushchenko reads the above possibility or realises that he better not risk lowering his opinion poll rating any further. He decides to do nothing. Regions form a government, but it turns out Moroz really couldn't care less about Socialism or Democracy. The £300 million bung he MAY have received is enough for him to keep quiet whilst Yanukovych closes down all independent media and slips a more effective poison, than the job SOMEONE did on Yushchenko, into Tymoshenko's soup. Yushchenko fades into the sunset, barely making a speech or visit out of shame until his term in office runs out. Realistic? 80%
- Yushchenko reads the above possibility or realises that be better not risk lowering his opinion poll rating any further. He decides to do nothing. Regions form a government, but waste most of their time not on sorting out the economy but dealing with a weak, poc-marked President. The Constitutional Court becomes stacked with Donetsk gangsters who are quite happy to impeach Yushchenko. Viktor leaves office, Moroz becomes acting-President (at last the position he dreamed of in 1999!), but is told to refrain from any independent thoughts. Yushchenko and his family are forced to flee to the EU whilst Tymoshenko stays to fight on. Within 10 years Ukraine is in a Belarus situation, where BYuT can't muster a seat in Parliament and foreign investors have lost all interest. Realistic? 70%
N.B - The above percentages are worked out using a mathematical system no more sophisticated than my own hunches. Any references to suspected poisonings, bungs or villa's in Northern Cyprus are purely fictional.
So why the hold-up? Either because of this, or because Yushchenko is hoping to break the news at 2:00am when everyone is asleep and avoid causing a massive riot in Kiev.
One tit-bit of info to wake you from the snooze this 'crisis' is causing - thanks to Reuters
Fingers crossed
At 11:00 pm,
MSS said…
he can now legally dissolve Parliament
That is hardly a certainty.
My guess--and that is really all it is--is that he is intending to dissolve parliament if some last-minute (or past-last) can't be worked out to his liking, but he has his legal advisors furiously looking for a legal justification.
I doubt he has any such legal right, under current circumstances. (I've addressed this question at various Ukraine Fruits and Votes plantings.)
At 3:38 pm,
Anonymous said…
Dear Citizens we need your help please send this to everybody you know---please post on message boards---please blog and ask others to do the same!
The people are having their say and rights shut down in southwest Missouri and we need to let everyone know what is going on!
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. We are going to get new job opportunities to southwest Missouri.
Please send us your comments so we can post to our website:
Technology Park turned in!
I attended the Springfield City Council on Monday August 7, 2006 and turned in 177 signatures totaling 1291 citizens’ signatures for the Technology Park Petition.
A press release went to the local Springfield press two days prior. For some reason little press was at the meeting. The Springfield News-Leader used to publish the entire City Agenda the day of in the paper. Now they just do a story the day before when “they” feel an issue is important enough for ink. Maybe we should have gotten several members of the local media to sign the petition. Would have this made it more news worthy?
Please contact Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting at: and ask them what they think. A media cover-up?
The cities website under agenda of the meeting says:
30. Mr. Steven Reed wishes to address City Council. Mr. Reed spoke about his desire to start a technology park with an initiative petition for a sales tax. I see this as a citizen’s issue. It is not about my or Mr. Reed’s quote desires. It is about the people rights and desires.
We are a grass roots group that believes we need more job opportunities in the Springfield area. We ask people to look at the website and look at examples of some of the 600 technology parks worldwide and let us know of what kind of companies’ people would like to see and help with the business plan it they want to. We hope to show the local, state, and nation that the people can vote on economic issues and their destiny!
A new law SB 1155 was signed by Governor on 07/08/04 which allows Springfield, and Joplin to impose a sales tax for economic development. It is a The Technology Park issue if passed would be a one year sales tax of ¼ of 1% which sunsets and ends after one year and should generate 8 to 12 million dollars to help establish the organizational structure of the Technology Park. With a yes vote of the people we will receive state and federal economic assistance just as other technology parks across the United States are.
I asked to speak but the Mayor said I was not scheduled. What I was going to say was:
I, Deborah Atwood, reside in Springfield, Missouri. I know I am not on the list to speak but I would like to say that I have helped gather the signatures and people are very passionate that we get new job opportunities in the city of Springfield. We have met people all over Springfield that would like to be able to vote on this economic issue of bringing some new technology jobs and opportunities to Springfield. I ask that you allow the citizens not only what they want, but their right to vote on their economic destinies. This is the pillar and the principle that our great nation stands on. This is my honor to impart this to you from the citizens of Springfield.
Deborah J. Atwood Springfield, Missouri
Please watch for the Technology Park story coming out in tomorrow’s paper:
Springfield’s Community Free Press ---
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We ask people to look at the website and look at examples of some of the 600 technology parks worldwide and let us know of what kind of companies’ people would like to see and help with the business plan it they want to.
Power to the People---Power to the People Right On! ---John Lennon
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